Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Busy and Sick

I am just bushed. I am trying to shake some sort of virus that I have. I also realized just how busy I have been this year. Since January I have been to Hawaii, Taylor (a few times), Gridly, Goodfield, Pennsylvania, Springfield, and now Kansas City.

I will write a post about the Apostolic Christian World Relief meeting I went to in Kansas City soon. Their website has just a ton of information.

My knee feels almost healed up from bashing it (at least twice) while snowboarding. That has put a bit of a crimp in some of my activities; It is now warm enough to walk to work, which I plan to do tomorrow. It is also getting nice enough to golf, if I can carve out the time.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

M. C. Escher

Good quote, "Mathematicians know their subject is beautiful, Escher shows us that its beautiful."

Monday, March 01, 2010

In the Pipeline: Things I Won't Work With

If you have any interest in really scary compounds check out In the Pipeline: and the tag "Things I Won't Work With" as Derek Lowe has some wonderful descriptions. My chemistry is pretty rusty, and this might induce me to look a few things up. My job does not really include the possibility of poising or blowing myself up, which might be a good thing.