Tuesday, August 19, 2008

While I Was Gone

I have taken several trips this year, mostly with family. Earlier in the spring, most of the clan headed out for a cruise around Hawaii. It had been a long time since I had been to any of the islands other then Maui. I really enjoyed seeing what the different islands had to offer, and it was a lot of fun spending time with the family. I have the collected family pictures up on my gallery, which is quite extensive. Usually I only put select pictures up, but I wanted them all for a while, and may need to remove some of the 947 pictures, to make it more manageable.

About a month before the Olympics I traveled with my parents to Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Beijing. I have yet to get the pictures up online because my main computer is dead right now, and I am a little frustrated about that. Hopefully I will get those up at some point in the next two weeks.

I also recently traveled up to Minneapolis for a wedding of some friends, and will be heading out to LA for Jim and Krissa's wedding.

Whew, it has been a busy year.

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