Tuesday, May 16, 2006


On Sunday the 14th (aka Mother's Day) I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with my Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. Wow. It has been a great four years in Urbana. Just yesterday I moved about 90% of my things out of Brown House, my home for the last four years. I am sad that I will not see all of my friends from school very often, but I am glad to be done with classes. College would be great if it wasn't for all those pesky classes. I think I am gonna have to spend some more time on AIM to keep up with everyone who is now farther away.

Last night I spent some time with some high school friends and my friend Drew is 22 today. We will be celebrating his birthday tonight with some food and hopefully some games.

So here I am writing from my parents house in St. Louis with all my things stacked in the hallway. It reminds me of a book I once saw where a photographer traveled the world and had taken pictures of familes with all their possessions stacked in front of their house.

I can now start the countdown to my trip to Israel on May 23 (one week from today... eek). I will be going with my parents and my brother-in-law Josh. I am a little apprehensive about the unrest over there right now, but our lives will be in God's hands.

I am not sure if anyone is even reading this, please leave a comment if you get the chance.


andrew k said...

"The life and times of Matthew Schrenk" I love it!
So what will you be doing in Cali? Also, whereabouts is Redwood City?

Matthew said...

Redwood City is between San Francisco and San Jose by the bay. A map can be seen here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Redwood+City,+CA&ll=37.486111,-122.233333&spn=0.2964,0.780029&om=1

I will be programming on contract with my brother while there.