Tuesday, October 17, 2006


"On or around October 17th, according to the Census Bureau's population clock, the number of people in the country will hit 300m, up from 200m in 1967."

Today was the day that the USA probably reached 300 Million people. As the economist points out a growing population is unsual among the developed countries of the world.

Later in the article is an interesting statistic: "At the Woodlands, a 28,000-acre (11,300 hectares) planned community north of Houston, you can buy a three-bedroom family home on a quiet wooded street for $130,000. By comparison, the median house price in San Francisco is over $700,000."

Location, Location, Location. What a difference in price.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is why you choose to live outside of California! Of course, depending on where the Spirit leads you.