Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Honor Killing

Du'a Khalil Aswad, 17, killed by her family and neighbors. Killed for being seen with a Sunni Muslim man. Suspected and therefore guilty. So called "Honor Killing". I see only dishonor in this. I cannot fathom how dark is the heart of man. Now with technology those involved can use their cell phone camera to record these actions and share it with the world. Because stoning a young woman in your community is something that needs to be boasted about and shared. A culture so warped that a fundamental change is needed to possibly make any progress.

CNN reports, "The killing is said to have spurred the killings of about two dozen Yazidi men by Sunni Muslims in the Mosul area two weeks later."

Hate cannot be conquered by more hate. Romans 12:21 "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently heard of an "honor killing" in Afghanistan, I believe, in which a woman washed her hair, opened a window to help it dry, and her father-in-law went by, looked in the window, and demanded her death because she had exposed her uncovered head to him. A death sentence because a woman washed her hair. How about killing the father-in-law for being a Peeping Tom? The husband refused to participate, but the other male family members kidnapped her, took her up into the mountains, and stoned her. The husband and children are grieving, and he refuses to marry again.