Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Main Entry: snag·gle·tooth
Pronunciation: 'sna-g&l-"tüth
Function: noun
Etymology: English dialect snaggle irregularly shaped tooth + English tooth
: an irregular, broken, or projecting tooth

I did not even guess that it was a word. Today I had a snaggletooth(blurry picture, I was in a hurry) for a few hours. As I was finishing up my breakfeast I felt my top, right, front tooth was missing. This annoyed, but did not suprise me. I broke this tooth about 10 years ago when I went over the handlebars of my bike and face planted into the pavement. If I haden't been wearing a helmet it could have been much worse, as it was I just broke a tooth. I made a dentist appointment and had it fixed up in no time. The dentist recommended that I have this temporary filling replace with a porcelin veneer in the next few months, so I just need to get around to that.

I am gonna head down south this weekend, so I guess I will see what the fuss is about with all the new security measures. No carryons? I hope they speed up the offloading of baggage, because I am used to not checking anything.

1 comment:

Tifani said...

I've got a snaggletooth. But it's in the back and no one can see it. I like playing with it using my tongue! Such fun!